Sunday, April 25, 2010


The Archipelago has been displayed and put to rest. I feel that school has kinda burned me out, so once summer vacation gets here, I may take a rest from the art stuff for a while.

Before that, of course, I have another piece to send up to the Gallery Project in Ann Arbor. I made good progress on it the other day, so I now only have a bit more modeling and painting to do before it's street ready.

Other than the art stuff, I have a couple plans for the summer. I plan to force myself into doing a diet and exercise routine, which will be too much as it is. And while dieting, why not make food? I'm also researching mushroom cultivation and hydroponics so I can start up a drug syndicate. Or maybe I'll just grow some oyster mushrooms and some tomatoes.

I'll keep you posted. Maybe.

1 comment:

  1. The show was so good! Everybody seemed to really enjoy your work, especially the tiny figures. I love the rock formations, the volcanic looking lake, and the bits of vegetation amongst the rocks.
