Thursday, June 18, 2009


One day in the making, this mini is DONE.

I still have to paint her, of course, but that's not a big deal. If it's decent out tomorrow I may just spray paint her and the minis I got at that thing at Defiance. It'd be awesome if I finished her over the weekend.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

D&D Minis

D&D uses a Battle Grid for combat, and on that grid an inch represents five feet. Because of this, keeping minis in scale makes them significantly smaller than any I've made before. The figure you see here is currently 3/4" tall, making it somewhat shorter than I was intending. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. In retrospect, I'm going to ajust the arms to make the end product taller. What we see here would end up being about 4 scale feet tall. That's just too short! My original goal was to get this mini to 5'5" scale feet. I'm gonna try to manage.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Welcome to Zoluto

I've recently started a Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 campaign for some of my friends. Here we see the world in which all of this take place. They started in the city of Tyrramere which is near the center of the map, and are now in the small village of Marna.

This is actually version 2.0 of this map. The original was drawn in 2007, and a few weeks ago I went through and changed a few names while adding a lot more.

This time I'm going to keep a detailed record of the world and its residents. By keeping this record, if the players return to a city, they can meet the same people that they met before. The places and events will also be recorded for future games.